Olsson's: Buyer's Corner

Olsson's is a locally Owned & Operated, Independent chain of six book and recorded music stores in the Washington, D.C. area, started by John Olsson in 1972. Each week the Head Book Buyer blogs about interesting new books that are available.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Joe Murphy on Orhan Pamuk

Hi Everybody-

Hope you had a great holiday season and that your New Year is off to a good start. I spent Christmas Day at my sister's house, watching my niece and nephew pretty much glowing with excitement. My four-year-old nephew actually received a drum set - not sure what Santa was thinking there, but my nephew loved it.

Book CoverI just wanted to take the opportunity to mention the current trial of Orhan Pamuk, certainly the best known modern Turkish writer, and a longtime Olsson's favorite. He's facing a jail sentence in his native Turkey for mentioning the early twentieth-century Armenian genocide - a matter of public record around the world - in an interview last year.

The only way to fight the war on ideas is to continue to engage with, and spread, them. Olsson's stocks most of Pamuk's books, including the terrific novels Snow and My Name Is Red, and his fascinating nonfiction study of his native city, Istanbul.

I strongly encourage all our customers to read the works of Orhan Pamuk. He's a brilliant writer, and his words deserve to be shared.

Happy New Year Everyone!

-Joe Murphy, Head Book Buyer


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Alexis Akre, a DC-area native, has worked at Olsson's for almost six years. She received her BA in English from Barnard College, and lived in New York for several years. Since her return to her home town, Alexis has honed her gift for skewering both vapidity and pretension with concise, well-worded psychological assessment. She can be seen tooling around town on her minty green bike, reading one of the hundreds of books she has stacked in her home, and teaching her cat to do tricks.

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