Olsson's: Buyer's Corner

Olsson's is a locally Owned & Operated, Independent chain of six book and recorded music stores in the Washington, D.C. area, started by John Olsson in 1972. Each week the Head Book Buyer blogs about interesting new books that are available.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Back in freezing DC

Book CoverI’m back from Portland! The ABA’s Winter Institute was all it was cracked up to be, a fantastic opportunity to get a little perspective, meet some hard-working booksellers, and learn a lot of new things and some old ones, too. Some highlights include a panel discussion on new media and VP Al Gore’s former speechwriter and contributing editor at Wired magazine Daniel Pink, who spoke about his book A Whole New Mind, a call to arms for all right-brain thinkers to take their place in the new post-industry economy of the future. You may not believe me, but I attended some truly interesting seminars on the business of bookselling. Yes, I said truly interesting.

Milling around, learning, and socializing with 499 other booksellers can be pretty exhausting so I took the opportunity to spend the weekend in Portland by myself. I checked into another hotel, which was far swankier than the Doubletree and set out by foot. With the advice of a few friends familiar with Portland I mapped out a few routes and successfully exhausted myself in two days time. But, I sure ate well along the way. I don’t think I’d ever really heard about Portland as a food mecca, but there’s got to be like a 2 to 1 human to restaurant ratio there and I am not complaining. Except that I missed a lot if dining opportunities, so maybe I am complaining a little.

Made In OregonPortland is pretty well known for its seemingly bottomless well of musical talent mostly in the indie way, a sort of a blending of the harder, ‘grunge’ elements from further north in Seattle, with a hippie, crunchy sensibility gurgling up from the south. I ventured out to a place called Slabtown, which used to be owned by the hipster darlings The Dandy Warhols, and saw a friend’s band (The Bugs) play.

All told, I had a great time and relaxed a little. The weather was unseasonably beautiful, with only one day of the standard issue cold and rain. But most of all, I got some serious, uninterrupted reading time in. Time which I will go into greater detail about next week when I’ve snapped back to reality.


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Alexis Akre, a DC-area native, has worked at Olsson's for almost six years. She received her BA in English from Barnard College, and lived in New York for several years. Since her return to her home town, Alexis has honed her gift for skewering both vapidity and pretension with concise, well-worded psychological assessment. She can be seen tooling around town on her minty green bike, reading one of the hundreds of books she has stacked in her home, and teaching her cat to do tricks.

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