Olsson's: Buyer's Corner

Olsson's is a locally Owned & Operated, Independent chain of six book and recorded music stores in the Washington, D.C. area, started by John Olsson in 1972. Each week the Head Book Buyer blogs about interesting new books that are available.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Cold Weather Cooking

Just when it seems that Rachel Ray and Giada DeLaurentis have cuted up cooking beyond return, there are, thankfully, some others pulling it back from the perky oblivion. Not that there's anything wrong with being perky. It's just that there's something so "All-American baby-sitter" about both of them, that I can't take them seriously past the gourmet peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. When Ray starts in about EVOO (extra-virgin olive oil) my eye starts to twitch. And Giada, with the soft-focus cover photo, hey wait a minute, there's no food anywhere to be seen... oh, okay, the asparagus is covered up by her name.

Book CoverFollowing my comment about pb&j sandwiches and the tendency in both divas of tele-cooking towards cooking in the italian vernacular, my thoughts lean to a book that came out last summer called Simple Italian Sandwiches: Recipes from America's Favorite Panini Bar. The cover photo shows a delicious looking panini being pulled apart with the mozzarella replete with bits of basil and tomato stretching languidly between the two grilled sides. Whew. On the inside it covers some fairly amazing combinations, all of which give the grilled cheese a run for its money. Although, I suppose not everyone has a panini grill or even a panini-fied George Forman grill. I certainly don't, so I just have to make these sandwiches with a heavy hand and a spatula without the aesthetically pleasing grill marks.

Book CoverAnother niche cookbook I've been particularly fond of lately is Arabesque by Claudia Roden who is well known for her cookbooks of the Mediterranean region. These books are always steeped in the history and culture of the particular region she is focused on, informing every bite with the layers of narrative and flavor. Roden focuses on the three very different culinary traditions of Morocco, Turkey, and Lebanon. Tagines, kebabs, and mezze that reflect the ancient menus of these countries are represented and updated to reflect more current influences. This is not only a wonderful cookbook, it is also I book I've sat down on the couch with and read. Claudia Roden is every bit as much a cultural historian as she is a cook.

Book CoverNow going a totally different direction, I've been meaning to talk about a book that caught my attention some time ago largely because I used to work with a whole gaggle of vegans, but also because DC's premier vegan bakery Sticky Fingers has moved into my neighborhood and so my interest in the quality of vegan bakery has increased significantly. Yes, I'm talking about Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World. Darling of the vegan foodie world Isa Chandra Moskowitz has returned with a book that gives vegans a spot in the food fad that is cupcakes. She's been featured in the New York Times and the Washington Post talking about veganism in general and cupcakes in particular. Of course she also has her own public access cooking show called Post-Punk Kitchen, which can also be viewed at http://www.theppk.com/, dedicated to pretty much whatever she feels like cooking. I haven't yet baked anything from the book, I'll admit, but I have heard some very positive reviews from some very discerning bakers. I do have a list of which ones I am going to make, starting with the Carrot Cake Cupcakes and the Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cupcakes with Cinnamon Icing.

Thanks for entertaining my all over the map indulgence in cookery this week. All the deep-freeze weather kept me inside and a close friend of my kitchen. But now with spring in the air and ice mounds melting at a rapid rate I guess it's out of the kitchen and back into the world. Unless it drops back down to freezing tomorrow.


Blogger Bob said...

Why no links to the books?

12:35 PM  
Blogger Amy K said...

ooooh links to the books would be fabulous, but better yet, you should have Alexis actually be in your kitchen creating, chopping, EVOO'ing the garlic for delicious dipping of warmed bread. This gal not only knows her books, cook books, children's books, travel literature, but she knows how to warm up a cold weather day. Yep, I am lucky to live a few short blocks from her and have her indulge me with the latest and greatest books and authors I should be reading while she takes over in my kitchen. What do I do? I just drink wine.

12:55 PM  
Blogger Webmaster said...

Links to the books are there now. What was I thinking?!?!

4:25 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

links are nice... but not as nice as alexis' baking skills. I'm happy to see her blog on one of her greatest talents. But the woman is so modest, she'll never admit her mastery of the mixer. Wish i had some banana-flax bombs to nibble on this morning...

12:04 PM  

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Alexis Akre, a DC-area native, has worked at Olsson's for almost six years. She received her BA in English from Barnard College, and lived in New York for several years. Since her return to her home town, Alexis has honed her gift for skewering both vapidity and pretension with concise, well-worded psychological assessment. She can be seen tooling around town on her minty green bike, reading one of the hundreds of books she has stacked in her home, and teaching her cat to do tricks.

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