Where do bad cartoons go when they die? I don't know. Where do really funny but totally inappropriate for mass circulation cartoons go when they are rejected? The Rejection Collection. That's where. Matthew Diffee, one of the stable of contributors to everyone's favorite part of The New Yorker, set out to collect the very best of the unfit for publication. He rounded up the funniest rejects from the regular cartoonists and put them in print. If you ever wondered how the cartoon selection process works at The New Yorker, well, here's your chance. The first volume came out last fall and now we get The Rejection Collection Vol. 2: The Cream of the Crap. The new volume has a whole new cartoonist questionnaire and three Appendices including one that explains just how rejection works. And of course loads of hilarious and slightly edgy cartoons.
This book sounds really funny, Alexis! Great gift recommendation.
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