Olsson's: Buyer's Corner

Olsson's is a locally Owned & Operated, Independent chain of six book and recorded music stores in the Washington, D.C. area, started by John Olsson in 1972. Each week the Head Book Buyer blogs about interesting new books that are available.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Fall Books

Stayman Winesap - Photo Credit: www.davewilson.comAlthough recent temperatures are not a good indicator, fall is here. The last day of summer was almost two weeks ago and we've had a turn or two of cool weather. Apple season is starting again (The Washington Post had a nice little article on apple varietals just yesterday) and I can’t wait for the brief but delicious Stayman Winesap window. And most importantly the fall books are starting to pour in. Our bestseller list last week was overrun with the likes of Richard Russo, Ann Patchett, Garrison Keillor, Steven Pinker, and David Halberstam.

Some notable books that are on the fringe of the list are Junot Diaz’s The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao and The Indian Clerk by David Leavitt. One of my personal favorites of the season The Arsonist’s Guide to Writer’s Homes in New England by Brock Clarke continues to burn up the charts (yes, I just wrote that).

Stayman WinesapThe big book next week is Stephen Colbert’s I am America (And So Can You). It goes on sale next Tuesday, October 9th. I believe that simply by purchasing the book one can become up to 25% more patriotic, which is really a pretty good deal when you think about it. We’re pretty excited about this book at Olsson’s. We loved John Stewart’s America: The Book – A Guide to Democracy Inaction and have been chomping at the bit for a little political satire, especially as the unrelenting drum beat of another election cycle bears down.


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Alexis Akre, a DC-area native, has worked at Olsson's for almost six years. She received her BA in English from Barnard College, and lived in New York for several years. Since her return to her home town, Alexis has honed her gift for skewering both vapidity and pretension with concise, well-worded psychological assessment. She can be seen tooling around town on her minty green bike, reading one of the hundreds of books she has stacked in her home, and teaching her cat to do tricks.

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