Olsson's: Event News

Olsson's is a locally Owned & Operated, Independent chain of six book and recorded music stores in the Washington, D.C. area, started by John Olsson in 1972. As Event Coordinator, Tony Ritchie handles the author readings at our stores. Each week he blogs about his experiences.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Eric Clapton

Hi ho, Everyone. Today is Monday Dec 10th. I am typing my blog from the comforts of my apartment. I am writing this so far in advance because I will be out of the country (I know, again) on Thursday. This time, I am headed to Brussels for few days of Christmas Markets, Chocolate and Beers. I will fill you in when I get back.

All that aside, I am writing to let you know that we have reached the end of the Events season once again. From now, until January 3rd, Olsson’s will be focused on Holiday sales and helping you find the things you need for the people on your lists. In an effort to help out those of you who shop in the stores that read my blog, I thought I might talk about a few things from our gift guide. --In my own way--

Over the weekend, I was flipping channels while staying up way too late. I stumbled across a WETA program on Eric Clapton. It was a tribute concert with the moneys going toward the Crossroads Centre in Antigua for chemically dependent persons. Recorded on July 28th at Toyota Park in Chicago, the marathon, guitar-fest is the second concert of this type. The first was in 2004 and I missed the whole thing. But not this time. In honor of the cause, I cracked a cold beer and sat down to watch.

Book CoverIf you missed the show on WETA, you can buy the DVD and watch it as often as you like. You can see a rough looking, 63 year old, Johnny Winters parked on a stool doing some lovely slide work while he growls his way through “Highway 61 Revisited”. Not only Johnny, you will see loads of fabulous bluesmen cranking away. B.B. King, Buddy Guy, Willie Nelson, John Mayer, Robbie Robertson, Jeff Beck, Billy Gibbons and loads of others. As a fan of the blues, I would love to find this under the tree on Christmas morning. I would like it very much, so much, that I may not be able to hold out for Christmas. I might just go buy it right away.

But this is the blog based around events. To keep things on track, I have put together my ultimate fantasy event built around the man that made this all possible, Eric Clapton. The event will take place at Lisner (here in DC) and because this is MY fantasy event, it will be populated with lots of interesting characters.

Book CoverHere is the Basic premise, Clapton will be talking about his Foundation and selling copies of his new Biography (Clapton: The Autobiography, $23.40 at Olsson’s) and the DVD I spoke of earlier ($29.98, ditto). Because he is Eric Clapton and everyone and their dog would want to interview him, I have chosen, local rock star Dave Grohl to sit and have a chat. What better combo could there be? Dave asking questions, Clapton answering demurely. Perfect!

After the interview portion, in lieu of the typical “questions from the audience” portion, Dave and Eric would play a short acoustic number. Dave being a Beatles fan, and Eric knowing and working with them on a couple albums, I imagine the set would include “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” and a rousting acoustic version of “Black Betty”, finishing with, “Before you Accuse Me”. (This is my show.)

At the end of the evening, there would be a signing portion for the 1,500 people at the show with everyone buying a book AND a DVD. I (along with some burly types) would make the signing run smoothly and everyone would be as happy as clams. Because this is my fantasy event, Linda Carter and Nigella Lawson would be in the crowd, they would both be invited backstage after the event, and we would all go to Linda’s house for a late night snack. Nigella would cook in Linda’s kitchen. I would help (just like Shake an' Bake) while Dave and Eric talk music and pick tunes until the wee hours...

That would be my Christmas wish. Now that it is well after midnight, I am going to drift off to sleep while visions of sugar plums dance in my head to the beat of “Boom Boom”.

Good night.

Editor's Note: For those of you with filty minds out there, this is a family website and there would only be cooking eating and singing at the after party. The whole family would be invited.

Oh, also, The Blogger did not go to Europe yet. His trip was postponed until Tuesday of next week.


Blogger BrewMaster said...

postponed!!! that is cruel, it better be better for something other than a meeting at the office.

4:59 PM  

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Tony Ritchie is settling into the job of Events Cordinator. He has been working with authors and books for the last three years, two in London at Waterstone's and one here in the U.S. He reads lots of new fiction and is partial to debut novels. He is an occasional vegetarian and a non-practising Buddhist who watches documentaries, enjoys long walks on the beach and is training for the Olympics.

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