Olssons: Subsonics

Olsson's is a locally Owned & Operated, Independent chain of six book and recorded music stores in the Washington, D.C. area, started by John Olsson in 1972. Ama Wertz has street cred. She is a self-proclaimed: snob, Germanophile, spinster, and cyclist. She's worked in radio on two continents. Her favorite band is SSLYBY. She does not subscribe to any magazines.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Welcome to the Clubhouse

I'm just going to say it right off - LPs are better than CDs. I won't ever own an iPod. Many musicians make more money off their wearable merchandise than their music. I won't pay to see a band perform in a stadium.

With me so far? Good. Introductions are pesky things, better to get them out straightaway. Now let's start stumblin'!

There's a lot to be excited about this week. The catch: you might have to wait. You might even have to go to their shows to get your hands on their music. The reward: sonic gloriousness.

John Darnielle /The Mountain Goats have picked up the pace on their latest, Heretic Pride, bringing in some new voices (namely Annie Clark of St. Vincent) & fingers (namely former sometimes-band-members Peter Hughes & Franklin Bruno). It's refreshingly upbeat & full of fancy instrumentations, nudging me in the direction of spring. Pick it up! FFO: older Mountain Goats, Tallahassee-era.

Speaking of spring, I just started planting this week. I know it's a little early, but I'm getting ansy for warmer weather. Bike rides that don't leave me shivering for hours. And best of all - more shows! DC's music scene keeps getting better, with more small venues to catch local acts, though Black Cat's backstage remains my favorite. Small digs & unless you're running late, you're not in danger of having a show sell out on you.

So, in conclusion, here are some local acts I'm most anticipatin':

These United States - A Picture of the Three of Us at the Gate to the Garden of Eden (United Interests)

A long name, sure, but I happen to know firsthand this album has been years in the making. I caught songwriter/guitarist Jesse Elliot at a show last year in support of another great DC artist, Mark Heidinger of Vandaveer, and his enthusiasm for the band, record, and touring were all but spilling out of him. My go-to music site, Daytrotter, heralds the album as the "one of the best records all year." I'd say it's a slightly-dirty, slightly-sweet Devandra-Banhart-and-M.-Ward lovechild. Just check out that tour schedule if you've got any doubts.

The LK - VS the Snow (The Kora Records)

Full name: The Love of Kevin, Colour, Chaos, and the Sound of K,
formally The Love Kevins (aren't you glad they shortened it?). From Sweden. Infectious in every sense of the word. Musique-concrete. They call themselves a "borderline pop duo from some of the more violent parts of Scandinavia." Vs the Snow was released & recorded in Sweden awhile back, but early March marks their US debut on DC label The Kora Records. Lucky you, because the Swedish release has since sold out & there aren't plans for more. They've also planned a slew of DC dates including a romp at the House of Sweden (03.08) and a free Millenium Stage show at the Kennedy Center (03.09). My friend Alex has been awaiting this release for over 6 months! "Blakboy VS the Snow" is hotter than (dare I say it) Peter Bjorn & John's "Young Folks" & sure to get you dancing, wherever, whenever.

Honorable mentions?

Baltimore's Beach House - Devotion. Out Feb. 26. Sweetly soft & breathey. A haunted house, no where near the beach.

Virginia native Thao Nguyen - We Brave Bee Stings and All. If her story isn't interesting enough for a Haruki Murakami novel, her voice will inspire you plenty. This is music to make you happy & probably air-drum a lot. I like to shake my shoulders.

And remember: if you see me at a show, say hello. Sonic solidarity!


Blogger Patrick Polischuk said...

Thao gets my shoulders shaking, too.

February 29, 2008 3:49 PM  

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Ama Wertz

Ama Wertz has street cred. She is a self-proclaimed: snob, Germanophile, spinster, and cyclist. She's worked in radio on two continents. She knows more than ten people in Montana. She likes: crafting, good acoustics, attractive typeface, pomegranates, and bulleted lists. She dislikes: musicals, sneers, classic rock, and bios written in third person. Her favorite band is SSLYBY. She does not subscribe to any magazines.

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