Olssons: Subsonics

Olsson's is a locally Owned & Operated, Independent chain of six book and recorded music stores in the Washington, D.C. area, started by John Olsson in 1972. Ama Wertz has street cred. She is a self-proclaimed: snob, Germanophile, spinster, and cyclist. She's worked in radio on two continents. Her favorite band is SSLYBY. She does not subscribe to any magazines.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Double posting is the new catching up.

I still get excited about Tuesdays, i.e. New Release Day*. I'm the one filling day planners with expected releases instead of real appointments (not to mention my overbooked show calendar!). Am I a nerd? Debatable. Snob? Yes.**

Has anyone else noticed all the Swedish metal/heavy rock these days? Every time I peruse a release catalog, it's Sverige! all over the charts. It's interesting to note Sweden exports a lot of either heavy drone ala Candlemass or sweet, fist-pumping pop ala Peter Bjorn & John. Speaking of, Peter Moren is working it solo on his debut, The Last Tycoon out April 8 on Touch & Go/Quarterstick Records***. No whistling, but lots of my favorite acoustic styling (egged on by my own inability to play even a recorder).

And I think we're on to something here: frontmen saying sayonara (or senare, if you tala the svensk) to their bands & rocking it solo. It didn't seem to work so well for Death Cab for Cutie's Chris Walla, but Colin Meloy's been embarking on his own vivid storytelling since pre-Tarkio days. The Decemberists' lead singer/guitarist did a solo round in 2006, following in the wake of the band's newest, The Crane Wife. Recordings of cover songs as EPs made their circulation on-tour & Meloy was finally persuaded to record himself. Colin Meloy Sings Live! will be in stores April 8 (notice a pattern yet?). Nearly all the songs are old Decemberists/Tarkio staples, but for you completists - like me - there are two new tunes to enjoy plus some sweet show banter.

Speaking of Missoula, MT (try to keep up here), I recently visited my sister in Big Sky Country. It was breathtaking, warmer than expected, and full of long, boring days. I loved it. My 4-month-old niece enjoyed dancing to Jana Hunter's "Babies" and taught me a thing or two about short naps. Home of the University of Montana, Missoula is quite easily the best city the state has to offer at that Ace Frehley. I didn't see too many people decked out in full face paint, but needless to say Juno's soundtrack was a little more rocking than intended (no offense, Kimya. I still love it when you sing Edwin McCain).

Stay tuned for next week when all I rant about is SSLYBY. They've finally got a second album out & boy howdy, is it grand.

* Let's share gcals.

** Olsson's Dupont featured on DCist! I take no responsibility for how snobby I sound, really.

*** I almost fell out of my chair to learn Three Mile Pilot AND Black Heart Procession will have new albums out this year. 3MP is probably my favorite band of the late '90s/early '00s, mixing all the best of Zach Smith and Tom Zinser (Pinback) with Pall Jenkins and Tobias Nathaniel (Black Heart Procession). They broke up in '98 !!. That's decades to some of you folks, which is really sad, seeing as how those were the best days of indie rock as we know it. If you're lucky enough to have their old records, I salute you. Let's hope Touch & Go rereleases their back catalog...
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Ama Wertz

Ama Wertz has street cred. She is a self-proclaimed: snob, Germanophile, spinster, and cyclist. She's worked in radio on two continents. She knows more than ten people in Montana. She likes: crafting, good acoustics, attractive typeface, pomegranates, and bulleted lists. She dislikes: musicals, sneers, classic rock, and bios written in third person. Her favorite band is SSLYBY. She does not subscribe to any magazines.

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